Waypoint Lists

All Waypoints


Showing 31 to 45 of 562 entries.
Code Name Description Lat Lon Style
WODV Woodville -4020.236 17552.009 Waypoint
BARG Bargh AS -4112.766 17523.156 Grass Runway
BATT Battersea -4108.329 17525.310 Waypoint
BEND Bend -4104.269 17530.471 Waypoint
OTAE Otane -3953.900 17637.700 Waypoint
BENN Bennets Hill -4058.549 17545.315 Waypoint
BIDE Bideford -4052.520 17551.370 Waypoint
BIDW Bidwell -4110.802 17526.096 Waypoint
BLRO Black Rock -4055.852 17542.775 Waypoint
OYST Oyster -4114.260 17533.000 Waypoint
MTWI Mt William -3712.482 17501.395 Mountain Top
PAEN Paenua -3816.500 17523.433 Waypoint
BRET Brett Rd -3819.857 17627.020 Grass Runway
PAHA Pahaoa -4123.701 17542.947 Waypoint
PAIH Pahiatua -4027.202 17550.437 Waypoint