Waypoint Lists

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Showing 76 to 90 of 562 entries.
Code Name Description Lat Lon Style
TAFN Taupo Finish North RW22 Finish runway 22 -3839.700 17608.620 Outlanding
TAFS Taupo Finish South RW0604 Finish runway 06/04 -3839.913 17607.867 Outlanding
CDAS Clark & Denize Airstrip Runway 11-29 ** Length 393m ** Width 25m ** Strip is between 2 paddocks - approx right angles to road. Maybe difficult to spot from the air -3719.619 17501.825 Outlanding
CABA Camel's Back Rugged. No Landing -3702.853 17539.725 Mountain Top
TASB Taupo Start B Rotokawa Forest HQ -3837.831 17612.784 Waypoint
ROSE Rosehill Swim Pool Rosehill High School Swim Pool. (Mercer 100Km FAI Triangle. * Course NZDY - ROSE Rosehill Swim Pool - ORTC Orton Corner - DIMM Dimmock- NZDY -3704.620 17455.994 Grass Runway
TAPP Tapapa Road Y Junction -3759.183 17550.450 Waypoint
KURJ Kuratau R/J Road T junct -3852.889 17540.700 Waypoint
FEAT Featherston Road rail -4107.020 17519.446 Waypoint
ORUA Oruanui Road Junction -3833.361 17602.662 Waypoint
CARS Carswell Road Junction -4055.850 17555.129 Waypoint
PATO Patoka Road Junction -3920.500 17636.000 Waypoint
PIAR Piarere Road Junction -3756.583 17540.117 Waypoint
EIGH Eight Mile R/J Road Junction -3824.843 17506.514 Waypoint
RUKK Ruakokapatuna Road junction -4119.649 17525.632 Waypoint