Waypoint Lists

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Showing 76 to 90 of 562 entries.
Code Name Description Lat Lon Style
TOWA Tok Waterfall -4030.733 17531.300 Waypoint
TOTA Totara Flat -4055.969 17524.192 Waypoint
TORA Tora -4130.288 17531.841 Waypoint
TOKU Tokomaru Railway Station -4028.495 17530.592 Waypoint
TOIR Toi Road Airstrip TOIR TOI Rd AS * Rway 19Mag * Len 350m * Location Te Koraha * Access Off Toi Rd off Hauturu Rd. * Another Strip 1Km NE * -3812.911 17455.276 Outlanding
TIVE Tiverton Downs Crop? Safe landing area -3835.757 17617.773 Outlanding
TITI Titiraupenga Peak -3830.590 17541.514 Waypoint
TIRS Tirohia Airstrip Ag strip too small and steep. NOT Suitable for glider landout. KAIY Kaimai Yards. 100Km Out & Return - KAIY Kaimai Yards - TIRS Tirohia Ai -3727.397 17543.482 Waypoint
TIRO Tirohia Bridge -3726.350 17538.367 Waypoint
TIRM Tiraumea -4037.986 17602.731 Waypoint
TIRH Tirohanga Unknown farm airstrip? -3826.977 17555.427 Outlanding
TIRA Tirau R/J Road Intersection -3759.083 17546.083 Waypoint
TINU Tinui -4052.675 17604.342 Waypoint
TINA Tinakori AS -4056.622 17552.764 Grass Runway
TIMA Timahanga AS -3925.617 17615.533 Waypoint