Waypoint Lists

All Waypoints


Showing 106 to 120 of 562 entries.
Code Name Description Lat Lon Style
FARM Farm Road -4002.467 17634.800 Waypoint
RAGB Raglan Beach -3748.315 17450.441 Waypoint
RAKF Rakaunui F -4036.958 17604.968 Waypoint
FERN Fernhill -3934.900 17646.000 Waypoint
FLEM Flemington -4009.000 17626.717 Waypoint
RANU Rangitumau -4050.968 17544.172 Waypoint
RAUM Raumai -4012.583 17547.250 Waypoint
GLND Gladstone -4104.340 17537.780 Waypoint
GLSO Glendonald S -4050.314 17553.132 Grass Runway
GLGO Glengordon -4028.583 17611.250 Outlanding
GLVW Glenview -4108.149 17536.498 Waypoint
RISS Rissington -3924.950 17642.375 Waypoint
RIMO River Mouth -3841.117 17604.283 Waypoint
RIVD Riversdale -4105.537 17604.247 Waypoint
GRAE Grae's Elevator -4059.971 17529.138 Waypoint