Waypoint Lists

All Waypoints


Showing 136 to 150 of 562 entries.
Code Name Description Lat Lon Style
MTBH Mt Bruce Rd -4045.054 17536.264 Waypoint
BANN Bannister -4044.693 17527.401 Waypoint
NGPA Ngapuka AS -4044.659 17557.895 Grass Runway
IHUR Ihuraua -4044.159 17548.760 Waypoint
MTDU Mt Dundas -4043.517 17526.866 Waypoint
CASH Castlehill -4043.174 17557.345 Waypoint
KAOP Kaiparoro Pk -4042.046 17534.678 Waypoint
NGRA Ngarata AS -4041.789 17559.177 Grass Runway
ALFR Alfredton School -4041.769 17551.300 Grass Runway
HERE Herepai Pk -4041.230 17530.880 Waypoint
PUKW Puketawa S -4041.068 17602.798 Grass Runway
WAWK Waiwaka F -4039.857 17542.222 Waypoint
PUTA Putara -4039.637 17534.495 Waypoint
EKES Eketa S -4039.233 17543.977 Grass Runway
EKET Eketahuna -4038.765 17543.329 Waypoint