Waypoint Lists

All Waypoints


Showing 121 to 135 of 562 entries.
Code Name Description Lat Lon Style
HINA Hinakura -4117.667 17538.833 Waypoint
HING Hingarae Rd Air strip beside road -3839.599 17541.353 Grass Runway
HINU Hinuera Railway Xing -3752.917 17545.600 Waypoint
HIWI Hiwirau -4110.000 17524.500 Waypoint
HODD Hoddle Rd AS Airstrip. Stock? -3818.744 17532.529 Outlanding
HOLD Holdsworth Camp -4054.424 17528.970 Waypoint
HOWO Homewood -4109.056 17559.346 Waypoint
NZMS Hood AF NZMS Masterton AF / Hood Aerodrome. Chch Information 124.2. Unattended 119.1 [RWY 06 RH. RWY 24 LH ]. [ RWY 10 RH. RWY 28 LH ]. AIP 2 -4058.400 17538.017 Grass Runway
HOPL Hopelands Road Bridge -4021.565 17557.702 Waypoint
HORE Horereka -4048.113 17557.227 Waypoint
HODV HotelDvin Hotel De Vin -3711.267 17508.800 Waypoint
IHUR Ihuraua -4044.159 17548.760 Waypoint
IWIT Iwitahi crossroads -3849.745 17616.290 Waypoint
JNLL JNL -4058.050 17536.130 Waypoint
JUMB Jumbo Pk -4051.182 17525.788 Waypoint